Under Fire: The Admiral

Oct 7 2015, 8:48 am

UNDER FIRE: THE ADMIRAL was previously published September 2012. This edition sports a new cover with an updated and refreshed story. 

Coast Guard Admiral Gemma Hendrickson is no stranger to dangerous situations. But she doesn’t expect to face one flying medical missions in Ecuador. 

Dr. Ben Walsh is a dedicated doctor who gives back by treating patients in remote villages in South America. Ben is also determined to get to know his smart and beautiful pilot.

Returning from a remote village, Ben talks Gemma into flying home along the coast to get extra time together. Their plane is shot at by a drug cartel and Gemma is forced to ditch the crippled plane in the ocean. To hide from the drug runners she leads Ben deep into the jungle and uses all her skills to fight the cartel and get him home safely. But it’s not the cartel she fears most, it’s the attraction she feels to the young, sexy, and very talented doctor. The last thing Gemma wants is a relationship that could shatter her heart.

In the jungle Gemma was Ben’s Guardian from danger. Now, with a steely determination, Ben sets out to become the guardian of Gemma’s heart.  



Hunter’s Heart

Dec 4 2014, 9:43 am

Point of No Return

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No Holding Back

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Under Fire

Apr 4 2011, 6:16 pm

Olivia Carver has a brilliant career in the Coast Guard flying helicopters along the coast of Florida guarding against terrorists and drug smugglers. She’s confident, in control and at the top of her game in a man’s world. Everything is pretty darned perfect until her twin brother, a Miami undercover detective, is executed by the drug cartel he was investigating. Justice moves to slow for Olivia. Seeking her own revenge she begins a search that leads to sexy Declan O’Conner and one hot, wild night in his bed. Later, when Olivia learns he is a DEA agent looking for the man who murdered her brother she makes a dangerous decision convincing him to get her inside the cartel. He teaches her all he knows about the organization. Olivia finds Declan’s powerful sensuality difficult to ignore and loses control of her heart to him. Olivia successfully penetrates the cartel, discovers the informant’s identity only to be discovered herself.

Loner Declan O’Conner’s detached emotions and willingness to take risks has kept him working deep undercover for years, until now. His assignment to find an informant responsible for the deaths of four undercover officers almost ends in his own death. The informant finds Declan first; blowing up a boat – with him on it. Rescued from the Atlantic by the Coast Guard he’s blown away again to find the helicopter’s pilot is the beautiful woman he spent one night having the best sex of his life with. When she asks to join in his hunt for the killer he agrees. Declan will do anything to find the man who tried to kill him and he wouldn’t mind having her close. Working with Olivia turns into more than he bargained for. Her passion and strength draws out feelings he thought he would never have. Olivia becomes deeply entrenched in the drug underworld and his heart.



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