Feb 28 2018, 9:01 am in , ,


Other special days in March are:

March 4th—the day all the animals marched forth from the ark.

March 17th—St Patrick’s Day

March 19th—St Joseph’s Day

And… there is March Madness. The month long NCAA basketball tournaments to determine the college national champions.

I write about Extraordinary Women so I asked my heroines what women they find inspiring and what their plans for the month of March are.


Olivia, from Under Fire, said she is in awe of the women who, hundreds of years ago, had the courage to leave their homes in Europe, get on tiny boats, cross the Atlantic and settle an unknown land.

She and Declan will be in Kansas City, MO for a business meeting on March 15th. They decided to stay a few extra days to see the St. Patrick’s Day parade. Then they’ll visit the notable, or notorious, depending on your point of view, Irish establishments in town. When I spoke with them, Declan was laughing about drinking green beer and then pe…. eh. Well, you know, green liquid in, green liquid out.

They’re staying at the Intercontinental Hotel on the Plaza. If you’re in Kansas City stop and visit. Just ask Ed, the doorman, where they are.


Gemma, from Under Fire: The Admiral, said she admires Nancy Augusta Wake, a British agent during WWII. Nancy was a courier for the French Resistance and in1943 was the Gestapo’s most wanted person.

Gemma and Ben will be in Boston for St Patrick’s Day enjoying the festivities with friends. They did share an experience they had a few months ago while visiting Ireland.  

They were in the Irish countryside on a very dark, stormy night–really it was–in the middle of nowhere. They’d stopped at a local pub for dinner and were enjoying the food, pints, and conversation when the pub door slammed open. A soaking wet, obviously upset young man stood in the doorway. He rushed in babbling about a horrible experience.

He was settled into a chair and given a pint. The beer was half-gone before he could string words into sentences and answer the many questions. The young man explained he was backpacking through Ireland and on a deserted road when it began raining so hard he could hardly see a few feet ahead of him. Finally, a car came slowly towards him and stopped. Desperate for shelter and thinking he was being offered a ride, he got in and closed the door only to realize there was nobody behind the wheel. Even though the engine wasn’t on, the car once again started moving. Ireland’s many ghost stories rumbled through his brain and fear paralyzed him. That is until he looked at the road ahead and saw a curve looming. Gathering courage, he prepared to jump. Then, through the driver’s window, a ghostly hand appeared out of gloom. In terror, he watched as the hand turned the wheel, guiding the car around the curve.

The lights of the pub appeared and gathering strength, he jumped out of the car and ran for it.

A silence enveloped the pub when everybody realized he was crying.  

Once again the door slammed open, startling everyone, and two men walked in from the dark and stormy night. They too were soaked and out of breath. Looking around, and seeing the young man sobbing at the bar, one said to the other…

“Look ….there’s that fookin idiot that got in the car while we were pushing it!”


Honey, From Point of No Return, answered after a long pause. “More than anyone I respect and admire the women who are married to military men, agents, police officers and firemen. They have an uncommon strength and bravery.”

She and Jack, are both rabid basketball fans and they’re hosting March Madness parties to watch the games and a huge St Pat’s Day party. Gloria, Kara, and Gunny will be there. Buck and Coop haven’t decided if they’ll come. Seems they’ve been invited to Florida by a couple of young ladies for spring break fun. What do you think they’ll do?


Celia, from Hunter’s Heart, shared she’d been reading about Eleanor Roosevelt and very much admired her.  

She and Hunter will be in Greystones, Ireland for St Patrick’s Day. She’d told Hunter she would love to visit the place where the landscape he gave her was painted. On Valentine’s Day, in a very romantic way she didn’t want to share, he surprised her with plane tickets to Ireland. Gotta love Hunter.


All my book characters say hello to you and hope to wave at you from the pages of future books.

I think that’s a hint for me to get busy writing.


Oh! In honor of the day all the animals marched forth from the ark– March 4th–everyone is invited to stop by for cake, animal cookies, and tea.


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