Apr 9 2019, 10:29 pm in Lynda Ladret, National Poetry Month, Poetry
In keeping with the National Poetry Month theme I invited Author and Poet Lynda Ladret to the blog. I met Lynda in a small writing group and asked her to tell us about her writing and share her poetry with us.
Rita: Lynda, why do you write?
Lynda: I write to please myself. For my own entertainment and amusement A lot of the stories I write are creative non-fiction, about my past experiences. On the other hand, my poetry just seems to write itself. I like writing stories for the opportunity to explore emotion, to try to define meanings. It’s therapeutic at times. Writing is the scariest, most exhilarating thing I’ve ever done. I love it!
Rita: How long have you been writing?
Lynda: Three years.
Rita: Have you shared your work before?
Lynda: I started posting poems and short-stories on facebook, where quite a few friends and acquaintances made positive comments, and encouraged me to keep writing.
Rita: Oooo. I love short stories. We’ll have to talk about that another time.
Rita: Have you taken any writing craft classes?
Lynda: Yes. I enrolled in a poetry class in 2017 and have never looked back.
Here are Lynda’s poems. Joy and Regret.
Wow! Thank you for sharing your poems with us. With a few words you manage to tell us a story filled with deep emotion. Well done.
Leave a comment and let Lynda know your enjoyed her poems.
You can check Lynda out on Facebook